Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Does Everyone In Obama Administration Know We’re At War?

The chairman and ranking Republican of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee today urged the Obama administration to transfer the Christmas Day bomber into military custody, and harged that though President Obama “has said repeatedly that we are at war, it does not appear to us that the President's words are reflected in the actions of some in the Executive branch, including some at the Department.
Don't forget that the Democrat senators, in particular, were chomping at the bit when Guantanamo was established to charge the terrorists with crimes rather than as war criminals.
Does the Ranking Republican of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Obama and his minion are systematically crumbling our Country on purpose. Does he know Obbie is a Marxist?

They know we are at war. It's just that Barrack Hussien Obama is not on our side.


  1. I like your blog. I see you are new to the conservative blogosphere. Welcome! Feel free to check my blog out anytime, and follow if you want!


  2. "They know we are at war. It's just that Barrack Hussien Obama is not on our side."


    Looking good so far!! Keep up the good work! Welcome to the blogs!

  3. Obama's not comfortable with the concept of victory.

  4. This post was PLAGIARIZED from this article! THAT is ILLEGAL!
